The new standard
for climate balancing
1% over 1 billion hectares!
So what does that mean and what does climatefood do?
Whether you be a farmer just starting on the carbon journey and wanting a farm visit and a personalised advise around where your farm is at including a few soil cores with one of our networks rigs, or you are working on a related solution to help farms. We are here to help!
Did you know it is only a 1% increase of carbon, in the top 30 cm (1 foot) of our farmable soils, to arrest our planetary climate problem and save us from extinction?
But we need to support farmers/producers to do this!
That is where YOU come in!
Our incubator and innovation hub is totally dedicated to mentoring and promoting ideas that solve the climate.
Our focus is creating consumer desire and solutions that drive markets to support farmers to change.
We are an incubation space for ideas around food, fibre and farmers that help drive balance for the climate and farmers.
Check out our startups here
Below are images I took in 1998 during one of Victoria’s longest 12 year droughts in Nathalia northern victoria Australia. The biodynamic (BD) - practise of agriculture derived by the works of philosopher Rudolph Steiner (1861–1925)- farmers I visited showed me how they were able to develop soil that used 4 times less irrigated water than their neighbours. Both farmers are dairy using the same irrigated water.
conventional irrigated dairy farm during 12 yr drought over fence
raw land on roadside no water except rain
Biodynamic (BD) irrigated organic dairy farm during 12 yr drought