Solutions to the climate are in everything you touch.
Here are just a few we love and mentor in our co-working incubator space in Melbourne Australia.
Avatar Carbon
Soil Carbon measuring and advisory service
Demystifying the carbon space and helping farmers choose a way forward.
Providing estimations of amounts land can produce when managed differently in accord with nature, The team can visit your property with a rig and for a fee do a farm assessment and estimation of what the land can do. The founder has been doing this for decades and travelled the world. We can also engage new technology for helping you to visualise what is possible before you outlay funds to do it.
Soil carbon and biodiversity trading platform or global marketplace, multiplying the value of the carbon by the biodiversity achieved.
soil cores to over a metres depth depending on terrain.
A solution to high chemical inputs in all irrigated agriculture. Immensely reducing water, boosting plant strength and increasing atmospheric nitrogen uptake whilst improving the plant’s resilience to climate variabilities using nothing more than frequencies. This is the future of farming!
Contact Samantha to get sent a presentation or just have a chat about how this can change the way you grow and increase yield with less!
The plastic offset, validation subscription service in partnership with PlasticBank, a collection agency that pays people to collect waste plastic and create it into reusable objects.
Already over one million one, hundred thousand plastic offsets by our members!
Businesses can subscribe and proudly display the Vera logo to announce their commitment to mitigating plastic waste in the environment!